Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 2 - Muddiest Points

1) I'd like to know more about the difference between why and when RAM is used vs. ROM - how is the 'speed' of each of these measured? It was mentioned that ROM is used for permanent data and instructions - can you give some more examples of how this would work and what specific functions each of these carries out?

2) When we talk about binary code and bits of information, how is it that the computer knows what values to assign to each 1 and 0? For instance, it was mentioned that 1s and 0s in digitizing an image allow the computer to assign values (different shades of black, white, color, etc.) to each of these. How is this accomplished? What component of the computer is responsible for assigning those values?

3) When we say that the read/write head electronically 'writes' to a hard drive platter, how is this accomplished? In other words, what process is used to write the information to the platter? Is it magnetic, a physical connection, etc.? I'm inclined to think it's not a physical connection, since there has to be a buffer, but I'm unclear on how the data is actually 'written' to the disk.

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